
Our spiritual, emotional, and intellectual well-being depends on the world making sense to us. That is, the pattern of meaning that we have internalized that provides a confidence of predictability.

When that schema is disrupted through an experience that creates a Paradigm Shift, a profound chaos is threatens that can lead us into our deepest fears of losing control.

When we walk a path of deep learning, we are challenged to walk outside our existing schema. By so doing, we have to face our fear of chaos.

For a teacher who has taught using a traditional instructional model for many years, this fear is real. For a manager who has run a company using a hierarchical command and control structure, this fear is real.

We need to name the fear. Then have the courage to walk into it.

>“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” - Joseph Campbell

But this journey cannot be undertaken unless we trust our leadership and team members. A trust that everyone is authentically living shared Core Values.

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