Extreme Programming (XP)

It all started with Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck playing around with the programming language Smalltalk. They were both working at Tektronix back in the eighties. Tektronix was one of the companies that Xerox gave this new programming language to when it was realized that they could not commercialize the computer technologies coming out of PARC, their research lab.

Smalltalk, as an object-oriented language with a just-in-time compiler, was conceived by Alan Kay as a learning language for a new computer age.

Using pair programming, Ward and Kent set about to develop new solutions together faster than could be done using the standard Structured Planning model - called the "waterfall model" - being used by software developers.

One day, a package arrived at Ward's home. It had no return address. Inside was a copy of Christopher Alexander's book, _A Pattern Language_.

Over the next fifteen months, Ward and Kent experimented with creating patterns of practice to begin to define and share their experiences using Smalltalk.

In 1995, Ward published a paper that defined this new pattern language of software development, which he called "Episodes". Kent then went on to apply these practices at Chrysler for a new payroll system they were developing. From that experience, he published, in 1999, a book entitled _Extreme Programming Explained_ which launched XP.

XP Loops

Kent came up with the name "Extreme Programming" as a riff off of the extreme sports movement, where athletes were beginning to challenge themselves to new heights of performance by new heights of risk.

He sought to similarly inspire higher challenges, with higher rewards, for programmers.

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