Hi! I’m Andy Matuschak. You’ve stumbled upon my working notes. They’re kind of strange, so some context might help. notes
These notes are mostly written for myself: they’re roughly my thinking environment. But I’m sharing them publicly as an experiment. If a note seems confusing or under-explained, it’s probably because I didn’t write it for you! Sorry—that’s sort of an essential tension of this experiment. expand
This work brought to our attention by kimsia. riot
There seems to be a lot of useful though in these notes for someone willing to pick up on the author's thinking and writing style. However, our attention turned immediately to the presentation.
I like the feel of sliding panels. I think the top half of a page would be more useful than the left half of a page, but maybe not. The aspect ratio of the screen comes into play here. See Flutter Client
I spent some time trying to imagine browsing wiki on a mobile device held vertically. The challenge would be to provide some access to operations between pages.
Here is a mockup that can be read as a series of scenarios, 1, 2, 3, where one keeps enough of the previous page visible to be useful. pdf
Returning to the subject of the notes, tools for thought, the authors have produced a fantastic exploration which closes with a provocative challenge.
> More broadly, we hope the principles in this essay will help support the creation of more transformative tools for thought. Historically, most invention of tools for thought has been done bespoke, by inspired individuals and groups. But we believe that in the future there will be an established community that routinely does this kind of invention. site